Miroslav Urban (REPUBLIKA): „Som zástanca dobrovoľného očkovania”

Lekár a poslanec NR SR Miroslav Urban: „Ja som zástanca dobrovoľného očkovania.”

V súčasnosti sme doslova zahlcovaní informáciami o COVIDe. K tomuto vírusu sa vyjadruje množstvo ľudí – okrem lekárov aj politici, novinári, herci, atď. Všetci si pamätáme ako Igor Matovič označil odbornú štúdiu o miere smrtnosti od J. Ioannidisa, profesora medicíny zo Stanfordu, za kotlebovský hoax.

Ide o príklad, ktorý ilustruje informačný chaos v tejto problematike. My sme sa preto stretli s poslancom NR SR a donedávna aj primárom interného oddelenia Ústrednej vojenskej nemocnice v Ružomberku MUDr. Miroslavom Urbanom, ktorý ako lekár ošetruje ľudí priamo na COVID oddelení. Aké sú jeho skúsenosti? Prečo je za dobrovoľnosť v očkovaní proti tomuto vírusu? Čo si myslí o vládnych opatreniach?

Pozrite si náš rozhovor na Youtube:

2 080 thoughts on “Miroslav Urban (REPUBLIKA): „Som zástanca dobrovoľného očkovania”

  1. Through the parental monitoring program, parents can pay attention to their children’s mobile phone activities and monitor WhatsApp messages more easily and conveniently. The application software runs silently in the background of the target device, recording conversation messages, emoticons, multimedia files, photos, and videos. It applies to every device running on Android and iOS systems.

  2. 저희는 구글 계정 판매 전문 회사입니다.우리의 구글 계정은 이메일, 문서, 캘리더, 클라우드 저장 등의 기능을 포함한 포괄적인 디지털 솔루션을 제공합니다.구글 계정을 통해 우리는 사용자에게 효율적인 협업 플랫품을 제공하여 개인과 팀이 일과 삶을 더 스마트하게 관리할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

  3. Hello!

    This post was created with XRumer 23 StrongAI.

    Good luck 🙂

  4. Hello.

    This post was created with XRumer 23 StrongAI.

    Good luck 🙂

  5. 3. Enter the mobile number you would like to send the message to or choose a contact by clicking on the To… button. When replying, Outlook always uses the format of the original message by default. There is some sound logic behind it. If someone sent you a plain text message, it might mean that their email client doesn’t support the more advanced formats. While in some cases this logic is perfectly valid, it starts to fail when you think about the Reply All and Forward options, because it is highly unlikely that multiple recipients will not be able to view emails in the HTML format. So, let’s see what you can do to change the email format to HTML. You can do these things with cloudHQ Send Email To SMS extension: If I were sending to many people, this may not be a good solution. I have used this well for server alerting to a small group of team members via sms, or sending a reminders to myself or wife.
    However, to make your text anonymous, you’ll need to create a new email account first without any hint to your identity, or use an anonymous one that won’t disclose your personal information. Then use this email address to send an anonymous text by following the steps below. number@email.uscc.net (SMS) With these three steps, you’ll be able to e-mail 160-character SMS (short messaging service) messages directly to a mobile phone. Please visit our contact page, and select “I need help with my account” if you believe this is an error. Please include your IP address in the description. Point to the “MobileLife” menu option and click “E-Mail and Text Tools.” You can go there by signing into sprint account. Go to preferences tab. Choose text messaging and that will take you to Web Texter. Text right here – simply select or enter a number, and type away.

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