Miroslav Suja (REPUBLIKA): Udržujeme dobré vzťahy s Ruskom

Budujeme, udržujeme a sme za dobré vzťahy s Ruskou federáciou

Miroslav Suja na svojom facebookovom profile zverejnil informáciu o stretnutí s veľvyslancom Ruskej federácie.

„V utorok som sa zúčasnil otvorenia výstavy poštových známok s názvom Vesmír a šachy – moja veľká láska, ktorú otvoril šachový veľajster Anatolij Karpov za prítomnosti veľvyslanca Ruskej federácie Igora Bratčikova, ktorému ďakujem za pozvanie.”

3 433 thoughts on “Miroslav Suja (REPUBLIKA): Udržujeme dobré vzťahy s Ruskom

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  30. It’s impossible to see Mordhau as anything but the spiritual successor to the original Chivalry, so the throwdown between Mordhau and Chivarly 2 will be a lot of fun to watch. As similar as the games appear, however, there are significant differences. Mordhau puts a lot of focus on the historical techniques of hand-to-hand combat, making it less of an arcade game and more of a skill and timing-based experience. Graphically, it sets the current standard and it has a strong but slightly intimidating community of experienced players. For Honor is a competitive third-person melee fighting game that combines speed, strategy, and team-based gameplay in close-range combat, pitting warriors from the medieval eras against each other. Players take on the roles of Vikings, knights, and samurai in an all-out melee brawl. This is an action hack-and-slash-type game that you’ve likely already played, or at least heard of in passing. For Honor throws different factions into raw and bloody head-to-head battle, and the title puts a major focus on correctly swinging your ax, sword, or whatever it is you might be equipped with to hit your target.
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